Rosan Ku. Mohanty
32 min readAug 3, 2021



Would You Like to Know Exactly What to Eat to Lose Fat and Get Healthy Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods or Starving Yourself?

If you’re serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation while eating your favorite foods every meal…

I invite you to read this page.

Dear friend,

Is it true? Has modern science finally discovered a diet that can strip off body fat like clockwork, while still allowing you to eat tasty meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter?

Hi, my name is Rachel Roberts. I’m not a professional ad writer, but what I have to share with you is so extraordinary and powerful that I decided to write this myself. So bear with me a little.

Here’s The Deal:

In my opinion, the nutrition industry is hopelessly broken. Instead of helping people improve their health and overall physical appearance, the world is filled with myths, scams, and flat-out lies.

I mean, it’s obvious the current dietary guidelines don’t work. Just look at the stats. 71.6% of American adults aged 20 and above are overweight, of which more than half are obese!

Now, if you’re one of the millions of people who follow all the nutrition rules outlined by health and fitness “gurus” but still carry excess fat, it is not your fault!

The Truth Is:

No matter how genetically “doomed” you may think you are, and no matter how frustrated you may feel after trying and discarding many diets, you absolutely can have the lean and alluring body of your dreams.

You see, getting into fantastic shape isn’t nearly as cruel as nutrition and fitness “gurus” want you to believe. In fact, if you avoid the four most common and catastrophic diet mistakes, shaping your dream figure is actually a simple process.

Do You Make These Four Common Diet Mistakes That Sabotage Your Health and Stall Fat Loss?

Mistake #1

Not being in a calorie deficit

According to some “experts,” losing weight and keeping it off is all about controlling the types of food you eat.

They say particular foods are “fattening” because they pause fat burning and cause a hormonal environment that leads to weight gain… while other foods “balance” the system and stimulate fat loss.

It’s simple. If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. And if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight. That’s a scientific fact.[2]

The result? In just two months, he lost 27 pounds and reduced his body fat from 33.4% to 24.9%.

Now, I don’t recommend you follow such a diet, but it illustrates my point. If you want to lose fat, you must be in a calorie deficit.

Mistake #2

Severe calorie restriction that gives you the metabolism of a 90-year-old lady

If an energy deficit of 250 calories a day will get you lean, a 1,000-calorie deficit will give you the results four times as fast, right?

Wrong! Many people make this mistake, and I used to do it too before I knew any better.

The truth is, severe calorie deficits screw up your physiology. That’s why almost all low-calorie dieters regain the lost pounds when they stop the program… plus, most often gain some more on top of that.

You see, your body doesn’t know you’re trying to get ripped for the beach. Instead, because you’re starving yourself, it thinks you’re stranded with no food.

As a result, your body’s metabolism will plummet to prevent you from losing weight. This means that as soon as you come off your diet, your body will store as much food as possible as fat to prepare itself for the next starvation.

That’s why it’s essential to eat according to a calorie target fine-tuned for your body, your situation, and your goals.

Mistake #3

Thinking all calories are created equal

Thus far, we’ve looked at calories. And while calories are a crucial piece of the fat loss puzzle, they’re in no way the only thing that matters. You see, when most people say they want to lose weight, they actually strive to improve their health and look better.

The thing is, if you want to accomplish such feats, you shouldn’t strive for weight loss. Instead, set your sights on fat loss. That’s because losing weight doesn’t necessarily improve health and appearance, but losing fat does.

Now, when it comes to fat loss, calories remain a crucial element. But what is just as crucial is your macro intake. In other words, your consumption of protein, carbs, and fat is vital. How you set up your macros has a profound effect on how your body will respond to the meals you eat.

For example, if you consume too many carbs, it’ll be near impossible to lose fat even if you maintain a calorie deficit. That’s because carbs spike insulin, a hormone that blunts fat loss in two main ways.

That’s why researchers call insulin the “fat-storage hormone,” and that’s why carb-rich diets make it nearly impossible to lose fat.

Insulin is but one example. Optimizing your macros is crucial for many more reasons, so in a minute I’ll show you how to set up your macros to triple fat loss.

The best part? The method I’ll show you in a minute from now is effortless to follow and never leaves you hungry. In fact, this eating style is so satiating and easy to follow that you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing fat so fast.

Mistake #4

Following an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet

Willpower works like a battery — you only have so much of it until it runs out. That’s why very restrictive diets deplete your willpower, increase your cravings, and lead to binging — the exact opposite of what you want when trying to build your dream body.[26–27]

I’ve seen it countless times before… a guy or gal who is dedicated to losing weight and getting healthy. To kick things off, they start a diet that only allows food like tilapia, asparagus, and chicken. After all, that’s what the fitness magazines recommend.

While the results are great in the beginning and the dieter loyally brings Tupperware boxes packed with “healthy” meals wherever they go, their willpower eventually runs out and that diet gets tossed out the window.

The Solution to These Diet Blunders:

A Keto Meal Plan Customized to Your Body, Situation, Goals, and Taste Buds

If you want to take all the guesswork out of your diet and follow a guaranteed-to-work plan, then you’ll love my brand-new custom keto meal plan service.

For the last few years, I’ve united leading nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to develop custom keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, and (most importantly) enjoyable.

Instead, we tailor your entire meal plan to your own unique situation, needs, goals, and dietary preferences to ensure you experience optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy.

In other words, your days of suffering on ineffective and overly restrictive diets are finally over. It’s time to start working based on a method that’s best for you.

What Truly Sets These Meal Plans Apart is that They’re Based on the Keto Diet

Unless you were lost in the Himalayas for the last few years, I bet you’ve heard of the keto diet. In fact, you probably have a friend or family member who has transformed their body like magic with this diet.

But in case you didn’t know or just forgot, here’s a quick recap. A keto diet is an eating style where you consume almost no carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and high amounts of dietary fat. So, you’ll be eating tasty high-fat meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter.

“Why would you do that?” you may wonder. Well, a very low carb intake puts you into a state called “ketosis.” You see, under regular circumstances, your body relies for the most part on glucose (the stored form of carb).

When you minimize your carb intake, however, there’s not enough glucose available for your body to fuel all its functions. And because some tissues like your brain cannot use fat for fuel, your body needs an alternative energy source to stay alive.

That’s where ketones come in. Ketones are chemicals produced in your liver when glucose is scarce. Various tissues like your brain can use these ketones for fuel when glucose is absent.[28] That’s an excellent outcome because, otherwise, you would die.

Now, when your body uses primarily ketones and fatty acids for fuel, you’re in a state called “ketosis.” That’s invaluable because…

Ketosis Gives You an “Unfair” Advantage on Your Fat Loss Goals

The customer’s keto diet plan is available for a limited time period! Click below to access it immediately.

Custom keto diet offers individual meal plans using information such as age, current weight, gender, daily activity level, and dietary preferences.

1. Select your gender
2. Pick your favorite foods
3. Categorize your lifestyle
4. Enter your measurements
5. Get your personalized plan

Your keto diet plan offer is available for a limited time period! Click here to access it immediately!

Source: Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan;87(1):44–55.]

There Are Six Reasons Why the Keto Diet Is the Holy Grail for Fat Loss

Reason #1

Significantly increases fat burning

As mentioned earlier, insulin is the enemy of fat loss. Elevated levels of this hormone blunt fat burning, all while shuttling energy in your bloodstream into your fat cells.

On a keto diet, however, insulin levels drop, which not only benefits your health but also significantly boosts fat burning.[32–33]

Reason #2

It’s simple and easy to follow

The keto diet is very simple to follow, and you’ll enjoy yourself as you diet. After all, what’s not to love about losing fat while being able to eat tasty, high-fat foods like bacon, eggs, cheese, and steak?

Reason #3

Hunger cravings will fade

I’ll tell you a secret. You’ll never lose fat and keep it off on any diet that leaves you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later, hunger always defeats willpower.

That’s why nearly all diets fail. Eventually, you can’t take the cravings anymore, and you’ll regain all that lost weight by binging. On top of that, you’ll likely gain some extra weight to boot.

The keto diet, however, brings hunger to a dead-end stop. When you go keto, you won’t feel hungry. That’s why this eating style is superior for losing fat and keeping it off.

In other words, you’ll not only look fantastic in the “after” photo but also in the “after the after” photo.

Reason #4

You don’t have to exercise to reap the benefits

You do not have to work out to lose fat on the keto diet. However, since following a keto diet will boost your energy levels drastically after around one week, you will probably become more active, which may motivate you to exercise. That said, you lose fat quickly, whether you’re active or not.

Reason #5

It’s healthy and safe

The keto diet is not just a fat loss diet; it’s also a healthy diet. In fact, it’s probably much safer than the way you eat now. Want proof?

Well, various studies show the keto diet can reduce your heart disease risk by elevating levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol, decreasing blood triglycerides levels, and raising blood pressure.[34–37]

And research also shows the keto diet can boost mental health; reduce depression; act therapeutically against various neurological conditions; prevent, manage, and even reverse type 2 diabetes; and maybe even prevent and fight some types of cancer.[38–43]

Reason #6

You’ll lose weight like clockwork

Right after you begin your customized keto meal plan, you’ll start to lose fat automatically. You don’t even have to think about nutrition all the time. In fact, since you’ll never be hungry while following this diet, you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing fat so fast.

Keto is more than a Diet! It’s a Lifestyle

What Do We Offer To Our Customers?

  • Our custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure.
  • The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight, and target weight goals.
  • We use scientific research and proven studies to create personalized ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.

Here’s what you will get:

  • An eight-week meal plan was created based on the expertise of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.
  • Meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation and goals.
  • A nutrition plan with food variety to ensure they will get a wide range of nutrients and boost the likelihood of sticking to their diet.
  • Meals that are based on personal food preferences make their diet enjoyable and help them stay on track with their plan.
  • Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
  • A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient they will need in the upcoming seven days.
  • Options on how they can customize every meal even more to suit your taste buds.
  • We’ll show them what to eat every day to reach their goals in the fastest and most enjoyable way.

So, how much fat do you want to shed? And how eagerly do you want to enhance your health?

With your custom keto meal plan, you’ll finally have control over your health and figure. Here’s what you’ll get if you start today:

  • An eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders. That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure.
  • A diet optimized to your own ideal calorie and macro intake. If you mess up your calorie and macro intake, you might as well not even start a diet. That’s why we base your meal plan on science-based methods to figure out the ideal calorie and macro intake for your situation and goals.
  • Delicious meals based on your food preferences. We’ve done extensive research and testing and united with top-leading keto chefs to provide you with mouth-watering recipes. You’ll get meals customized to your food preferences to ensure you’ll look forward to each meal. This not only makes your diet enjoyable but also helps you make a long-lasting change.
  • Instructions on how to further customize your meals. For each meal, we’ll provide you with options to
    further customize your diet to your preferences. For instance, if you don’t feel like eating bacon, you may have the choice to replace it with beef.
  • A meal plan with lots of food variety. Your meal plan will contain a wide range of different foods.
    This ensures you’ll get a broad spectrum of nutrients, while also making sure dieting stays enjoyable.
  • Crystal clear, step-by-step recipe instructions.Even if you have no cooking experience, preparing your meals will be a breeze. All you have to do is follow your “paint-by-the-numbers” instructions and reap the rewards that come with it.
  • A downloadable grocery list. Stop wasting countless hours in the supermarket. You’ll get a downloadable shopping list for each week that details every needed ingredient you’ll need in the upcoming seven days.

And much more…

That was just a quick overview of what you’ll get. As you can see, our custom diet plans leave no stone unturned. We’ve done everything we can to design a convenient, effective, and enjoyable meal plan to help you reach your health and body shape goals.

They Did It WithKeto

You’ll Get Your Custom Keto Meal Plan for Less Than 5% of What You Would Normally Pay

Having a personalized nutrition plan created just for you can get REALLY expensive REALLY fast.

If you go to a nutritionist, you’ll pay around $100 for your initial meeting and an average of $400 per month for modifications and check-ins. So, for an 8-week nutrition plan, expect to pay around $900.

And after spending all that money, it’s very likely you’ll end up with the same outcome as the rest of their clients: devastated with your results and clueless about what to do next.

I know how it feels because I’ve been there myself… forking over thousands of dollars for no results. And I know how shattering it is to spend all that time and money and not even end up close to your ultimate goal.

I don’t want you to suffer from such an experience, and that’s why I’m offering this service. My goal is to help people transform their health and figure without going through the unnecessary struggles that often come with it.

That’s why I offer this service, not for $900. In fact, the price is not even 5% of that because if you act today, you’ll get instant access for just $37.

(Was $97 Today Only $37)

“60 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee”

It’s simple: if, for any reason, you’re not satisfied, shoot us a message and ask for a refund. Just tell us you’re not happy and you’ll get your money back.

But that’s not all. Besides this low price, I also back you with a robust and straightforward 100% satisfaction guarantee that works like this:

Try Your Custom Meal Plan Risk-Free and Judge for Yourself. If You’re Not Satisfied, You’ll Get All Your Money Back

It’s simple: if, for any reason, you’re not satisfied, shoot me a message and ask for a refund. Just tell me you’re not happy and you’ll get your money back.

And by satisfied, I mean you’re 100% happy with your custom meal plan. You have no regrets, and you’re certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that you’ve made the right decision.

So go ahead and “test drive” your custom meal plan without any financial risk. Order your custom meal plan, try it for 60 days, and see the results. In the unlikely scenario you’re unhappy with the service, email us your receipt and we’ll return your payment without question.


But listen. This isn’t for everyone…

That being said, if you’re looking for a science-based, “Done For You” plan where you’ll lose fat and improve your health while eating delicious foods every meal…

Here’s What I Want You to Do Next

Are you serious about achieving permanent fat loss and sparking a health transformation? Great! Then here’s how the process works:

Step #1- Do This Now

Start by clicking here! You’ll see a few questions to answer about your current situation, food preferences, and goals. Nothing crazy. We just need some basic info to understand your circumstances better. Answer these questions as accurately (and honestly) as possible, and make sure your email address is correct so you can receive your meal plan.

Step #2- Here’s What Will Happen Next

Once you’ve completed the survey, we’ll create your custom meal plan for you. Just enter your payment details to get instant access to your custom-made keto meal plan.

Step #3- Are You Ready?

If so, today is the day you rise to the challenge and transform your body and health because ultimately, this service is for people who recognize a great opportunity when they see one and act fast.


The Way I See It, You have Three Options From Here

Option #1

Ignore everything you’ve just read and change nothing. If you decide to take this path, remember the old saying, “if you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got.”

Option #2

Try to lose fat and improve your health through “trial and error.” Fly solo with the attitude “throw it on the wall and see what sticks.” You may reach your goal at some point with this approach, but not without countless frustrations and setbacks that leave you on the verge of giving up.

Or, the smartest option…

Option #3

Skip all the frustration and take charge of your figure by investing in your custom meal plan. Eat based on a scientifically proven method that’s crafted to help any person, at any age, and in any situation enjoy long-lasting fat loss results.

To get your custom keto meal plan, click the button below. Go through the questionnaire. Enter your payment details. Just like that. You’ll get instant access to your custom meal plan. You’ll be able to start your new diet within minutes of ordering!


Here’s to your future transformation!

Rachel Roberts

Rachel Roberts

P.S. Imagine what you may look like just weeks from now.

Week by week, you’ll stand in front of the mirror with a tape measure in your hands and a smile on your face that won’t disappear. Your stomach, arms, and hips will be so leaned down you’ll think it’s not “your” body. You’ll have to pinch yourself to prove it’s really “all you.”

Is that something that would transform your life? If so, I urge you to take your first step to a leaner, healthier you while this offer is still on your mind.

P.P.S. You simply cannot lose here. You’re either delighted with the meal plans or get your money back. That’s right. Try out this invaluable service risk-free. Go for it! You won’t be disappointed!



BioFit: Hottest Weight Loss Supplement Of 2021

BioFit Probiotic Reviews Latest Update:

BioFit is a probiotic supplement that is designed to bring your weight down to optimal and balanced levels. It packs a lot of probiotic power that you can utilize to have better digestion, faster metabolism, and balanced levels of hormones to keep yourself in the best shape. I know that sounds sketchy at first, but it worked wonders in my case!

IMPORTANT: BioFit Latest Facts — Watch Because This May Change Your Mind!

BioFit Probiotic In-Depth Review:

BioFit has the right combination of weight loss and supporting probiotics backed by scientific evidence and recent studies from relevant journals. This review will tackle everything about BioFit and its perks and how it can help you who is also a consumer like me. There is a lot of skepticism on probiotics’ effectiveness when managing the weight of one person, but it does work when you establish the right number of probiotic colonies inside your gut.

As a user of BioFit, I also want you to know everything about BioFit and how it will help you in the long run. This is why I’m writing an intricate, detailed, and comprehensive review of BioFit so that you can decide whether or not you want to take the supplement or not. We will discuss its most positive and negative aspects to not take a wrong turn when committing to this supplement. This BioFit latest review is designed to keep you safe and educated at the same time.

Who Am I To Review The Product?

I am a consumer, just like you. I took BioFit to try to experience the benefits that probiotics can give me. Indeed it gave me what I needed. This is why I want to share with you everything that I experienced with the supplement, either positive or negative, to give you the most unbiased review there is.

Biofit, In A Nutshell

Before we go into the deep stuff, we need to look at BioFit first from the cover.

It is just like any other supplement. It’s packaged in a bottle that’s colored white with a purple stripe running in the lower portion (or violet, depending on how you see it). Each bottle consists of 30 capsules. These capsules are entirely made of vegetable matter for easier absorption and faster breakdown of stomach acids. All ingredients that comprise BioFit are 100% vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free to emphasize the vegan aspect. This makes it one of the purest supplements out there.

On top of that, all components found in BioFit are clinically sound and backed up by dozens of studies. This is true since most of the components are comprised of the Lactobacillus family, which are specifically known to induce better digestion and faster metabolism. More details will be discussed later in the ingredient section.

Must Watch: BioFit Real Customer Testimonials, “You Will, Not Believe Everything She Said!”

As usual, this supplement is not intended for children, so don’t let them near it. Usually, you don’t need any kind of prescription from the doctor, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. This is especially true if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, and taking any over-the-counter or prescription medication. Keep it away from moisture to prevent its ingredients from hardening. However, this particular occurrence does not reduce the effectiveness of the supplement.

What Does Biofit Do?

BioFit contains probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that are found in our gut. They are there to provide us with dozens of benefits.

One is that they make your digestion much better than normal. Most people nowadays don’t have the normal pacing. Usually, an individual must go to the loo (or the toilet) once a day. That’s what normal digestion looks like. A gastrointestinal tract with probiotics usually ensures the fast breakdown of nutrients in your gut, therefore keeping your trips to the toilet right on schedule.

Secondly, they combat the bad bacteria inside your gut. No, they don’t go to war and eat each other out. Instead, good bacteria outcompete the bad bacteria, reducing the negative effects of these bad bacteria on your body. If you’re wondering how gut bacteria can give you positive or negative experiences, it’s not what you think. Bacterial infections are one, sure, but that’s not always the case. These bacteria also emit chemical byproducts that act like signals that activate or deactivate enzymes and hormones found in our system.

Discover Fantastic BioFit Offers On The Official Website!

Good bacteria activate hormones and enzymes needed for a faster metabolism, while bad bacteria deactivate them. On top of that, bad bacteria can do a lot of nastier things than just that.

BioFit tries to reinvigorate your metabolism by giving your body the probiotics it needs. With the number of probiotics found in BioFit, you are ensured that the bad bacteria inside your gut will be overwhelmed and that only the positive effects are highlighted in your journey towards proper weight management.

Biofit Negative And Positive Points

As we can expect, BioFit has a lot of pros from its cons. The benefits that probiotic supplements like BioFit can bring are outstanding, and they will bring great improvements to the quality of life that you have right now.

Here are the pros and cons of BioFit, as presented in bullet form:

The pros are:

  • It contains probiotics, which have a lot of benefits in the areas of digestion, gut health, and hormone balance
  • Made up of clinically researched components
  • Backed by heavy science and research from reputable scientific journals
  • Made of all-natural ingredients, from the capsule down to the probiotics
  • Safe and proven effective
  • It can give you countless more benefits, totaling to a better quality of life

BioFit cons are:

  • It does not work on everyone, has probably a 1% chance of failing
  • Not available elsewhere besides their official website

Do You Need A Doctor’s Prescription When Taking Biofit?

No! BioFit does not require any doctor’s prescription, but it’s better if you get one before taking BioFit. Different people have different kinds of conditions with their bodies.

Who Is The Manufacturer Of Biofit?

There is no clear indication as to who the manufacturer of BioFit is. This is a minus point for this supplement. However, they do have a clear ambassador in the form of Chrissie Miller. This woman has been advocating everything about natural ways towards weight loss. She’s quite an active individual, often found doing morning jogs. From there, though, we don’t have more details about the manufacturer.

However, Miller seems to be well invested in the product. Far more enthusiastic than your average user, she explains everything about BioFit in their promotional video.

Most supplements usually do this kind of tactic as a form of privacy protection. As you can imagine, this is bad if we’re looking for a hint of credibility in one supplement.

Where Is Biofit Made From?

BioFit is made in the United States of America from a facility that adheres to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.

How Does Biofit Work?

BioFit works by purging your body with probiotics. I know that sounds something bad, but it isn’t. In reality, probiotics play a big role in maintaining the balance of hormones in your body.

Therefore, BioFit works by integrating the probiotics inside your gut to maximum effect. To do this, it must transport the colony-forming probiotics found in every capsule of BioFit. In general, there are around 5.75 billion colony-forming bacteria found in every capsule of BioFit. This amount may be huge for someone who’s not used with large numbers and bacteria, but it’s just enough for an initial colony of probiotics inside the gut of a normal human person.

The destination of these probiotics is the small intestine. Commonly known as the gut, it is where probiotics and bad bacteria reside.

Thanks to the vegetable capsule make of the capsules, it is easily digested in our stomach. Probiotics are then released towards the small intestine, where they settle in and multiply. Once they multiply, they will rapidly overwhelm the bad bacteria found within your gut. These bad bacteria are usually found in our gut due to our unhealthy lifestyle and diet. This can change by countering them with probiotics.

However, it isn’t just simply like that. BioFit contains Lactobacilli, which are known to activate hormones and enzymes with something to do with metabolism. This often leads to an overall effective response of the body in burning the stored fat within.

As you take BioFit daily, the number of probiotics just keeps rising. This leads to a more effective metabolic response and, therefore, can give you the results you want in just as little as three months.

What’s great about probiotics is that they can maintain the overall balance of the hormones found in your body. What does this mean for you? It means that you don’t have to worry about the probiotics overdoing the metabolism for you. Since their main job is to balance out everything, they will stop sending out signals for increased metabolism when they get too thin. Researchers have no idea how probiotics can do this, so it’s subject to further study.

How Long Does It Take For Biofit To Work?

BioFit can work in just as little as three days! In that period, you can reliably lose one pound of weight. In 12 days, you can lose as much as three pounds!

Of course, these kinds of results will vary from person to person. We don’t know just how much bad bacteria are in your gut, so there’s a variation on how fast, good bacteria can triumph over the bad ones. However, if you’re leading a fairly healthy life, you should have resulted in no time.

The recommendation of Miller, who is the product’s ambassador, is that you should take BioFit for a minimum of three months non-stop to experience the full benefits of probiotics and BioFit itself. We’ll discuss more on the benefits later on.

What Is The Recommended Dosage Of Biofit?

The BioFit recommended dosage is 1 capsule a day. Just take 1 capsule a day, preferably with your breakfast, to start the day right.

Do not overdose on BioFit, though. Taking two or more BioFit capsules a day can trigger mild side effects. As usual, if you feel any side effects, cease the intake of this supplement and contact your doctor immediately.

How Do You Take Biofit?

You drink BioFit with eight (8) ounces of water or 1 glass of water. This will ensure that your capsule will easily melt and be digested within the confines of your stomach and small intestine.

What Are The Ingredients Of Biofit?

BioFit ingredients are mainly comprised of probiotics from the family of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. These two probiotics families are mainly responsible for digestion, better immunity, and, most of all, weight loss. Probiotics have hormone-altercating properties that can shift the hormones for better overall utilization.

We won’t dive much into the ingredients’ specifics since they act very similarly from one another, but here are the probiotics that comprise BioFit.It means that BioFit ingredients are:

  • Bacillus Subtilis
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus Casei
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium Longum
  • Bifidobacterium Breve

As mentioned above, each capsule of BioFit contains 5.75 billion colony-forming units of probiotics from these seven good bacterial strains.

Most of these strains are already familiar to normal people like you and me. L. casei is a relatively common probiotic found in yogurt drinks. L. rhamnosus is a crowd favorite since it was found to yield the best metabolic enhancement, making it the most effective weight loss probiotic out there.

Meanwhile, Bifidobacteria are there in the roster for support. They mainly have their jobs in combatting bad bacteria, bolstering an individual’s immunity by enhancing the utility of specific hormones, and doing the jobs that the more fragile Lactobacilli can’t do.

Therefore, if we are to divide the ingredients into two, that would mean that Lactobacilli are the supplement’s weight loss arm, while Bifidobacteria are the henchmen of the BioFit supplement.

What Are The Benefits Of Biofit?

BioFit contains a wide range of probiotics that can help you in your everyday life. Since this supplement is mainly comprised of probiotics, we will be focusing on the benefits that those bacteria give to you instead. There are no other ingredients besides the vegetable capsule, right?

BioFit benefits include the following:

  • Populate your digestive tract with good bacteria that balances out with the bad bacteria inside your gut
  • Probiotics can help break down food much faster, therefore making your digestion better and reducing the incidence of diarrhea, flatulence, or constipation by up to 57%
  • The presence of probiotics can alleviate stress, anxiety, and diarrhea in 1–2 months
  • Reduces bad blood cholesterol by 5%
  • Moderately reduces blood pressure
  • Can lower your risk of developing skin allergies and diseases like eczema by 83%
  • Can alleviate inflammatory bowel disease, ulcer, and other digestive diseases by 50%
  • Can reduce the severity of infections by 17%
  • Reduces risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) by 50%
  • The presence of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus can make you lose 50% more weight than usual in three (3) months
  • In general, the presence of Lactobacilli can increase metabolism by activating and increasing the presence of hormones such as GLP-1
  • Can provide a reduction of belly fat by 8.5% in three (3) months
  • No side effects from an overdose. Generally, taking 100 million colony-forming units of probiotics is the maximum threshold. Go above that, and it’s already dangerous. This supplement only has 5.75 billion CFU per capsule.

In general, this supplement provides tons of benefits from the get-go. Probiotics give us more benefits than we think, and it’s only normal that we don’t notice it since the effects usually take three (3) months. Still, these benefits are more than better for our health, so it’s much better if we take them for our sake.

These benefits were well-researched by yours truly, and are already verified by researchers worldwide.

What Are The Side Effects Of Biofit?

After talking about the benefits of BioFit, we’ll now go to the side effects. As mentioned, there are not many side effects that happen when taking this supplement.

However, there are still possible side effects when taking BioFit. This is because of the probiotics that comprise the supplement. That’s right, for all the benefits it can give, it still has side effects.

Therefore, here are the BioFit ingredient side effects as listed in bullet form:

  • It can make you bloat
  • Increases thirst
  • Can induce headaches
  • It can sometimes induce allergic reactions instead of suppressing them
  • Can cause adverse reactions depending on the individual. Prebiotics usually suppress this
  • Can cause bloodstream infection with a 0.0000002% chance

Headaches and allergic reactions are caused because sometimes the body thinks probiotics are foreign objects and don’t recognize probiotics as friendlies.

Prebiotics usually alleviate these side effects, so it’s always great to pair your probiotics with foods that are rich in fiber. Better yet, find a prebiotic supplement.

It can cause a bloodstream infection in super rare cases, but as you can see, the chances are not that high at a ridiculously low chance of 0.0000002%.

How Much Does Biofit Cost?

BioFit costs $49 to $69 per bottle, depending on the number of bottles that you’ll be ordering.


If you’ll only be ordering one bottle, that would be $69. However, the price of this supplement goes down as you order more bottles from them.

For example, ordering three bottles from BioFit will only cost you $59 per bottle, which is an instant $30 discount.

The real deal, however, lies in the six-bottle package. When you order in bulk of six bottles, it will only cost you $49 per bottle. That’s a whopping $120 discount from the usual price!

If you want to try and test out BioFit, you can buy the six-bottle package to make up for the shipping time.

In Which Countries Are Biofit Available?

BioFit is available globally.

How Much Is The Shipping Fee When Buying Biofit?

The shipping fee that comes when buying BioFit varies from country to country. However, if you’re buying in the United States, you should have free shipping when ordering the 3-bottle and 6-bottle packages. Take note. This doesn’t include single bottle orders, in which you’ll be incurring a $9.95 shipping fee.

Does Biofit Have A Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes! BioFit has a 180-day money-back guarantee. That means that you have 6 months to decide whether or not you like the product or not! Just email their support team at or call them at 1–800–366–0289. Just, of course, provide photo evidence and other types of evidence to prove that the product didn’t work with you.

Does Science Back Up Biofit?

Yes, BioFit is pretty much backed up by science. In a study done by the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, it has been found that Lactobacilli have a reducing effect on visceral fat. This type of fat is the one that wraps around your organs and is usually the type of fat that is blamed for heart attacks and other related ailments.

There’s also a study that Bifidobacterium Breve also tends to increase metabolism and improve liver function.

What’s interesting is that there’s a study on energy homeostasis. This is the body’s automatic action. Energy becomes dormant as the wrong signals get to it. With probiotics, that can change. It kicks starts your energy levels and makes them active again. Where else would your body get the energy aside from all the stored fat inside your body? That way, your fats will burn out and become energy that you can use for everyday living.

Meanwhile, Bacillus subtilis, which is probably the probiotic that we didn’t touch much in this review, has promising results in the area of cholesterol control, weight loss, and insulin effectiveness. Therefore, it has the right ingredients to promote metabolic function.

There are dozens of more studies about probiotics that we won’t touch on in this topic. Since BioFit is mainly made up of probiotics from the Bacilli, Lactobacilli, and Bifidobacteria families, we just focused on their related scientific studies to prove that it’s not the supplement but the ingredients in which we find the best results when talking about the specifics of a particular supplement.

Which Supplements Are Comparable To Biofit?

There is a widely used supplement nowadays that is far more available than BioFit. It is called LactoBif 5, and it’s a supplement that California Gold Nutrition makes. I also tried that one. Then there are others such as Now, Doctor’s Best, Nutrition Essentials, Balance One, Women’s Pro Daily, Swanson, and others.

There’s a lot of competition in this industry. It’s a supplement that all people need since the probiotic shortage in our gut has become an issue over the past years. Our decadence in bad food and unhealthy lifestyle has made us neglect the value of our gut. We think it can manage itself when we need to take a close eye on it.

What’s Different About Biofit From Other Supplements In Its Category?

Let’s take a look at BioFit first. BioFit contains 5.75 colony-forming units of bacteria in each of its capsules. To give you the fairest comparison, we will be comparing it against LactoBif 5.

LactoBif 5 is a probiotic that only contains 5 billion CFUs per capsule. That means that BioFit is at an advantage with 750 million CFU more.

In terms of components, they’re almost similar. However, LactoBif 5 does not have Bacillus Subtilis. It has Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus salivarius instead. This puts LactoBif 5 at an advantage with one more probiotic on its roster. In short, BioFit has more CFU of probiotics, but LactoBif 5 has more versatility.

What’s more, is their recommended dosage. LactoBif 5 recommends 2 capsules a day, while BioFit only recommends one. This means that cumulatively speaking, LactoBif 5 can put more probiotics into your body daily than BioFit.

One more advantage that LactoBif 5 has over BioFit is its packaging. They pride themselves on their individually double-foil blister sealed capsules that ensure their overall quality.

BioFit also costs more, but only if you order the single and 3-bottle packages. If you order the 6-bottle package of BioFit, there’s virtually in the same price range.

BioFit is only available from their official website. However, LactoBif 5 is available on almost every online e-commerce website there is. Therefore, LactoBif 5 is far more available than BioFit.

With this analysis, we can see that BioFit has a problem when pitting itself against its competitors. While it does have more bacteria found in individual capsules, the cumulative advantages that LactoBif 5 has over it make it quite lacking in that respect.

What improvements did BioFit capitalize on?

BioFit capitalized on its ability to pack as many probiotics as possible in one capsule. It has one of the highest numbers of probiotics found in a single capsule. However, the recommended dosage prevents it from outcompeting other probiotics brands in general with just one instead of two capsules a day.

Also, BioFit included Bacillus subtilis, which is generally a probiotic that isn’t included in any supplement. Bacillus subtilis is a generally new probiotic in the scene, thanks to the few studies on the probiotic itself.

Even though BioFit seems to be on the lower side of things, the effects it can bring is quite the same with other kinds of probiotic supplement. As they say, it’s just the brand name that makes them different!

What’s the Contact Information of BioFit?

You can contact BioFit at their email at or call them at 1–800–366–0289 for inquiries about the product.

BioFit Summary and Recommendation

BioFit is a probiotic supplement that tries to shine with a different formula involved. As it is true enough with most probiotic supplements, they just change the probiotics they comprise to “hit the jackpot,” so to speak. There’s not a single, concrete formula yet for probiotics, so you can see BioFit as an attempt to bring you overall probiotic benefit and supplementation.

BioFit is quite all-natural as well. The veggie capsule has only made it much better than usual. On top of that, BioFit can make your overall health better and more manageable, thus making you feel like you’re finally in charge of your life again.

In terms of weight loss, BioFit should work, but only at a minimum of three months of use. Some people may be more sensitive and receive more effects from BioFit, but some may have the resistance to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Take Biofit?

As a dietary supplement, adults should take one (1) vegetarian capsule one time daily with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. It’s always a good idea to drink lots of water throughout the day when using Biofit.

  • Can I Take Biofit With My Current Prescription?

While our products’ individual ingredients have been extensively reviewed by experts, we do recommend you consult your primary physician as they will know what’s best for your individual case.

  • Where is Biofit Manufactured?

Our products are made in a U.S.A facility that meets all FDA guidelines.

  • Are There Any Side Effects?

To date, tens of thousands of people have tried Biofit and we have never had a serious side effect reported. That being said, we always recommend consulting with a doctor before starting any new supplement.

  • How Long Will It Take For My Order To Reach Me?

All orders are shipped within 24 hours (Monday-Friday) and should reach you within 5–7 business days.

  • What Are The Terms Of Your Guarantee?

Our products come with a 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. That means if you change your mind about your decision at any point in the next six months — all you need to do is email us and return your order, and we’ll refund your purchase.



Rosan Ku. Mohanty

Hello Friends, I am Rosan and I have 5years plus experience in Blogging , Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing.